Online Learning (Broad-Based Video) = YouTube Educational Content YouTube Selected Education Channel Subscribers 4.5B Annual Hours of ‘How-To’ Video Viewership 10MM 9MM 200MM+ s Views on Booktuber Content r be i r 5MM c 5MM s ub S 59% Gen Z Users Cite YouTube as Preferred Learning Tool 0 Khan Smarter Asap TED- Crash Academy Every SCIENCE Ed Course Day 2013 2019 Source: Google / YouTube (5/19), Pearson / The Harris Poll Beyond Millennials: the Next Generation of Learners survey (8/18). Survey includes 2,587 USA respondents ages 14-40 years old. Note: Hours of ‘How-To’ videos are for the year 2017 and represent videos with ‘How-To’ in the Internet Trends title. Booktubers are content creators that share book reviews & discussion groups on YouTube. Views are cumulative. 251 2019

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