Product Development (1980s)… Intuit = All-In Focus on Customer Testing User / Usability Testing Intuit Annual Revenue $300MM Kwik-Chek User Testing @ Palo Alto Junior League (Inside Intuit, Taken 1984) ue We recruited people off the streets & timed their en $150MM Kwik-Chek (Quicken) usage with a stopwatch. Rev After every test, programmers worked to improve the program. We did usability testing in 1984, five years before anyone else, there’s a big difference between doing it & having marketing people doing it as part of their design…a very big difference between doing it & having it be the core of what engineers focus on. $0 Scott Cook – Intuit, Co-Founder, 9/03 1984 1989 1994 Source: Inside Intuit, Suzanne Taylor, 2003 Photo courtesy of Virginia Boyd as presented by Inside Intuit. Revenue as reported in ‘Inside Intuit’ for 1988-1990 & as reported to the SEC for 1993/1994. Intuit released its first revenue-generating product, Kwik-Chek in 1984. Internet Trends 127 2019

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