Indonesia (Tokopedia) = Improving Product Delivery Across 17K Islands… ~6MM Merchants + ~2x in One Year Tokopedia Same-Day Delivery Merchants vs. Same / Next Day Deliveries, Indonesia 6MM 70% ) ne ar) Li B Red ue ( l a (Bl ota i T es on of % Ind s , erie nts v ha 3MM 35% i Del erc When we look at sales data... t Day people from [one island] sometimes don’t want to tered M Nex buy products from sellers on [other islands]. s / Regi e We thought – what if we can [give] every business that am joins us…a warehouse everywhere in Indonesia – S every product bought on Tokopedia [could] be delivered same-day. William Tanuwijaya – Co-Founder & CEO, Tokopedia, 2/19 0 0% 2019YTD* 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: Nikkei Asian Review (2/19). Tokopedia (4/19). *2019YTD = As of 4/19. Note: A registered merchant defined as an enterprise with listing on Tokopedia. 2 Internet Trends 60 2019

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