Global Market Capitalization Leader Revenue Growth = Slowing +2% vs. +7% (Y/Y – Q1 vs. Q4) Global Leaders – Revenue vs. Y/Y Growth $1,200B 16% ) ar) ne B Li ue l Red B ( ( $600B 0% th ue 0% ow en r G Rev /Y Y $0 -16% Q1:16 Q2:16 Q3:16 Q4:16 Q1:17 Q2:17 Q3:17 Q4:17 Q1:18 Q2:18 Q3:18 Q4:18 Q1:19 Source: CapitaIIQ. Revenue from Microsoft / Amazon / Apple / Alphabet / Berkshire Hathaway / Facebook / Tencent / Alibaba / Visa / Johnson & Johnson / JPMorgan / Exxon Mobil / Walmart / ICBC / Procter & Gamble / Bank of America / Samsung / Disney / Cisco / Pfizer / AT&T / Verizon / UnitedHealth / Internet Trends MasterCard / Chevron / Coca-Cola / Home Depot. Nestle & Royal Dutch Shell quarterly revenue excluded due to bi-annual earnings releases. 15 2019

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