Image Creation = Foundations Continue to Ramp Smartphone / Camera Base… …Smartphone Power… al Active Smartphones Flagship iPhone Power / Storage ob 4B 6,000 600GB l XS G ng i e, s ark X as es B torage oc hm l r c 7 S tal 2B P en3,000 300GB h B 6S um Ins c m en er i ne B 5S 6 x k ow 5 Ma ee P 4S artpho0 G 0 0 m S 2010 2014 2018 2010 2014 2018 Processing Power Storage …Cellular Data Use… …WiFi Reach on Cellular Data Traffic WiFi Networks nk s30EB 600MM i s nl c l i a r b E o Dow l er G + , nk , P s i k al15EB r 300MM Upl ob o l tw y G l , Ne c i nth f Fi af i Mo r W T 0 0 2014 2016 2018 2000 2009 2018 Source: Smartphone Installed Base Per Morgan Stanley (3/19). iPhone Power / Storage Per. GeekBench Browser, Apple. Note: Geekbench is a multi-platform benchmarking tool intended to compare the power of computer processors across generation, platform & workload. Maximum storage refers to largest storage capacity offered, as advertised. WiFi Data = Internet Trends as of 5/29/18. Note: is a submission-based catalog of wireless networks that has collected >6B data points since launch in 2001. Submissions are not paired with actual people, 76 2019 rather name / password identities which people use to associate their data. Ericsson Q4:18 Mobility Report.

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