Online Education Marketplaces = Coursera… Coursera – Post-Secondary (Global) Top Courses, 2018 Learners 40MM Stanford Machine Learning Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to s UC San Diego r Help You Master Tough Subjects e n r Yale a The Science of Well-Being e L Princeton d Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Technologies e r te s Princeton i 20MM Algorithms, Part I g Re University of Pennsylvania English for Career Development Yale Financial Markets Introduction to Psychology University of Toronto Cómo Hacer una Tesis Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Chinese for Beginners Peking University 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Learners by Geography 30% 28% 20% 11% 5% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% North America Asia Europe South America Africa Source: Coursera. Note: Course popularity based on average daily enrollments. Graph shows learners as of 12/18. Internet Trends 243 2019

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