…Freemium Gaming (2017) = Epic Fortnite Free Premium Play With Others… …Improve User Experience Epic Fortnite Revenue Growth, per Nielsen Superdata* 20x ) 1x = I think it’s a very positive trend that people are 17 20 spending time in social experiences. That’s the thing you have ( to appreciate with Fortnite. Most people are playing together in th 10x ow squads with their friends, they’re on voice chat. r G They’re playing a video game, but what they’re really doing ue is spending time with their friends & chatting all night. en Rev It can last as long as the developers can keep games fresh & fun – we’re at that point where we’re able to do it & there’s a business model with free-to-play. Tim Sweeney-Epic Games, Founder / CEO, 3/19 0 2017 2018 Source: Epic Games Releases (2017-2019) The Hollywood Reporter (3/19). Nielsen Superdata (6/18 +1/19) rd Note: *Revenue growth estimate based on Superdata’s 3 party estimate of ~$150MM in Epic Fortnite Revenue in Internet Trends 2017 & $2.4B in 2018 revenue. Fortnite launched in September 2017. 103 2019

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