Internet Platforms = Driving Efforts to Reduce Problematic Content Facebook YouTube Content Items Removed vs. Videos Removed for Community Guideline Violations vs. % Hate Speech Identified / Removed Before User Report Share Flagged / Removed Before First View 90MM 80% ) s10MM 80% ar) ne on ) B Li ati ol ne ue i l Red V Li B ( ( ne i m ng l Red ( pa de ui ew S G i ng t V i ty i s er Reporti r ud un i l F c Us m x E ore , 45MM 40% ore Com5MM 40% ef ed ef o B B ov T ed ed ng ov Rem ov i t w O en Rem Rem h ed os Cont ec ov de pe of Rem % Vi es os ec i de P i % Hate S V 0 0% 0 0% Q4:17 Q1:18 Q2:18 Q3:18 Q4:18 Q1:19 Q4:17 Q1:18 Q2:18 Q3:18 Q4:18 Q1:19 Source: Facebook Community Standards Enforcement Report (5/19). Pieces of content include posts, photos, videos or comments that were taken down due to violation of community guidelines. Taking action could include removing a piece of content from Facebook, covering photos or videos that may be disturbing to some audiences with a Internet Trends warning, or disabling accounts. Spam not included due to the scale (Billions of pieces of content removed quarterly. YouTube Community Guidelines enforcement Report (5/19). 182 2019 YouTube Community Guideline Violations can include sexual content, graphic / violent content, harassment, etc.
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