Fortnite = Battle Royale… Game Environment Capped @ 100 Person Groups… Multiplayer / Cross-Platform Battle Royale Consoles – Multiplayer Subscribers* ar)100MM 60% ) B ne Li ue l 51% B ( Red ( s r e be as i r B c s l ub tal 100 Players in Shared World S ns er e I ay ol pl 50MM 30% ti l Cons Mu 26% l ota ne i T nl f O e o on r i ha tat S s s ay r l be i / P r c x s bo 0 0% ub X 2014 2015 2016 2017 S Players Win via Discovering Items & Outlasting Others Source: Morgan Stanley Research (10/18) Brian Nowak / IDC. Note: *For game consoles only (i.e. Xbox Live & Playstation Plus). Internet Trends Subscription required to play online multiplayer Fortnite games on Xbox platform, but not Playstation (Fortnite is available even to non-subscribers). 95 2019

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