China (Alipay) = Broad Online / Offline Financial Services... 1B Users + ~2x in Two Years Alipay Payments / Financial Services Annual Active Users, Global 1,200MM ers Us e v ti c A l ua nn 600MM A t en Alibaba has the most comprehensive ecosystem of m commerce platforms, logistics & payment to support the ay P digital transformation of the retail sector. y pa i l Ant Financial / Alipay is not only China's #1 mobile payments A platform, but it is also a provider of financial services such as loans, wealth management & insurance products to hundreds of millions of consumers & millions of small businesses on the Alibaba platform. 0 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 Joe Tsai – Executive Vice Chairman, Alibaba, 2/18 Source: Alibaba Releases. Alibaba Earnings Call transcript (2/18) Internet Trends 65 2019

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