Habitat for Humanity Annual Report

annual report Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

During the 昀椀scal year 2021 (FY21), we asked Habitat for Humanity homeowner children from around the world to draw how they see their homes. We were amazed at their answers. Children like Alejandra, 9, who lives in a safe and resilient house in Paraguay, reminded us that a house is simply a place to love and be loved. She shared her drawing and explained that her favorite place in the world is her home. ALEJANDRA, 9 PARAGUAY. PAGE. 2 habitat.org/lac

My favorite place is my home annual report Latin America and the Caribbean 2021 Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 3

Contents Message from the Area Vice-President 05 Who we are 06 Where we are 08 Our impact in 昀椀gures 09 Our work 12 Credits Direction: Marco Calvo Writing and editing: Sofía Trejos Production: Lucia Zúñiga Front cover: Esther, 12, Nicaragua SHERLYN, 9 CHIAPAS, MEXICO. PAGE. 4 habitat.org/lac

Contents message from the Area Vice-President When facing the multiple challenges that with recycled plastic, and we continued the FY21 brought, we innovated, reviewed advocating for housing. our program o昀昀erings, partnered with other organizations, and were able to impact We held the IV Housing Forum, this time hundreds of thousands of families. We adapted completely virtual, in which 1,639 people from projects to make their implementation a reality 40 countries around the world came together under the health guidelines of each country. to share experiences, lessons learned, and trends and challenges in housing. esilience. This word de昀椀ned Habitat As a result, we helped more than 1.4 for Humanity in 2021. During this year, Thank you to all donors, partners, volunteers, Ras an organization and indeed on a million people in Latin America and and collaborators who made it possible. personal level, we had to be more resilient than the Caribbean build or improve their And, of course, thanks to Habitat families, ever. We understood that the pandemic was who trust and join our organization to build a taking longer than planned, and, therefore, homes. better future based on secure, resilient, and we had to make adjustments that are often sustainable housing. Without all of you, our di昀케cult, but necessary to ensure that the In addition, we bene昀椀ted more than 4.1 million work would not be possible. mission of our organization endures over time people with improvements in public housing for the bene昀椀t of more families in need. laws and delivered more than 85,000 hygiene kits, emergency kits, and/or temporary At Habitat, we know that the pandemic has shelters. put the spotlight on the importance of decent housing, especially for families who need a We also assisted in the emergency following safe place to call home to protect themselves hurricanes ETA and IOTA in Central Ernesto Castro García from COVID-19. America. We challenged Haitian university Habitat for Humanity, Area Vice-President students to develop new building materials Latin America and the Caribbean. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 5

who we are ARACELY, 14 BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA. PÁG. 6 habitat.org/lac

abitat for Humanity is a global • Low-cost housing construction, whether non-governmental and non-profit organization. Since 1976, Habitat mortgages, partial subsidies, or other forms Hhas helped low-income families of financing focused on low-income families. build and improve their homes. We are in more than 70 countries worldwide and • Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) have helped more than 39 million people in projects for families and communities. ensuring a safe place to call home. • Promotion of innovative housing finance We share a vision of a world opportunities for families excluded from the formal financial sector. where everyone has a decent place to live. • Advocacy in housing public policies aimed at eliminating legal barriers so that households have access to decent, Habitat homeowners are not mere spectators; they are involved throughout the entire process of building or improving their homes. • Assistance, education, and training for We have many ways to empower families vulnerable populations during and after an through housing. In Latin America and the emergency, through action and projects Caribbean, we do this through: in disaster analysis, prevention, and response. MEXICO. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 7

where we are Area O昀케ce National organizations • Argentina • Honduras • Bolivia • Mexico • Brazil • Nicaragua • Chile • Paraguay • El Salvador • Dominican • Guatemala Republic • Haiti • Trinidad & Tobago Projects Area O昀케ce • Colombia • Costa Rica • Costa Rica Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter • Peru • Mexico PAGE. 8 habitat.org/lac

our impact in 昀椀gures KATHERINE, 10 ARGENTINA. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 9

昀椀scal year 2021 in Latin America and the Caribbean + 1.4 million people served through our work. JUAN VALENTÍN, 11 MEXICO. + 4.1 million people bene昀椀ted from revised housing laws in Honduras and Bolivia. JUAN VALENTÍN, 11 MEXICO. PAGE. 10 habitat.org/lac

+ 3,500 volunteers donated their time and e昀昀ort for families in need of decent housing. VICENTE, 9 ARGENTINA. + 85,000 kits hygiene and emergency kits and/or temporary shelters were delivered to vulnerable families. KATHERINE, 10 ARGENTINA. + 50,000 people participated in safe, secure, and resilient housing trainings. VICENTE, 9 ARGENTINA. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 11

our work JOSELYN, 11 GUATEMALA. PAGE. 12 habitat.org/lac

Joselyn and her family / Habitat for Humanity Guatemala. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 13

ARGENTINA VICENTE, 9 community leader improves ARGENTINA. the lives of her neighbors Silvia in front of “La Norita,” a merendero in El Saladero de Ingeniero White, a neighborhood in Bahia Blanca, Argentina / Habitat for Humanity Argentina. PAGE. 14 habitat.org/lac

VICENTE, 9 ARGENTINA. n El Saladero de Ingeniero White, a Her help goes beyond feeding 150 neighbors. neighborhood. Thanks to her neighborhood in Bahia Blanca, lives Silvia, a At the pandemic’s beginning, Silvia participated direct contact and leadership, I community leader with a big heart, along with in the workshops on safe housing, health Habitat Argentina has been more two of her grandchildren. improvements, and home care that Habitat Argentina o昀昀ered online to reduce the risk of e昀昀ective in approaching families Her desire to 昀椀nish building her house spreading COVID-19 among vulnerable families. needing adequate housing in this encouraged her to join Habitat for Humanity Argentina. By the end of 2020, she had After completing the safe housing workshops, community. completed the last bedroom and expanded her she shared what she had learned with her dining area for a merendero (community dining neighbors. room) to keep her mother’s legacy alive. Thus, she became a strategic Habitat partner At “La Norita,” the name of the merendero, Silvia who promoted workshops among families in and other neighbors cook meals for 70 families her neighborhood to improve her community’s in the neighborhood. protection against the virus. “I wanted my dining room and, at the same Today, Silvia not only provides time, to help people. I wanted a space where I could cook with others and for others. Women direct help to her neighbors from the neighborhood come to cook with through “La Norita,” but she is me on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and take meals to their homes,” said Silvia. also an invaluable person in her KATHERINE, 10 ARGENTINA. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 15

BOLIVIA water in the midst of the pandemic A Bolivian family uses a sink that was installed in their community. / Habitat for Humanity Bolivia. PAGE. 16 habitat.org/lac

n Bolivia, 44 out of 100 families in rural and our partners to provide in-house access to peri-urban areas do not have access to water for vulnerable Bolivian families,” said I safe water, and 57 out of 100 families do Sarah Metais, executive director of Habitat not have a decent bathroom. for Humanity Bolivia. Providing access to safe water for During 2021, the first year of the campaign, the thousands of families lacking it the organizations surpassed their goal and managed to impact 1,100 families in in the country was a priority during Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, La Paz, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Potosi. For this reason, Habitat for Humanity Bolivia We thank donors such as Fancesa, created the Bolivia with Water campaign, Tigre, Coca Cola Foundation, FIE Bank, along with partners Water for People Farmacorp, Importadora Campero, National Bolivia and the FH Bolivia Foundation. This Insurance, Blackhawk, Mountain Christian campaign aims to provide drinking water Church, Believers Fellowship, MGR Palabra access to 800 families in rural and peri- y Compromiso, as well as municipal urban communities for five years. governments and beneficiary families, for their support. “Drinking water can be a weapon to stop the coronavirus and other infectious diseases. Never has this natural good become such a matter of life and death. That’s why we join MELANI, 11 MEXICO. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 17

BRASIL this changed our lives ransforming precarious housing into safer and healthier homes in the middle of a Tpandemic is an urgent task. In Brazil, 30 million people do not have access to safe drinking water in their homes, and 47% of the population do not have access to a sewage system. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Habitat Brazil has focused a signi昀椀cant part of its work on improving water and sanitation facilities in vulnerable households to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 among the lowest- income population in the country. Talita, 36, was one of the bene昀椀ciaries. She lives in the community of Boqueirão in São Paulo, Brazil, with her husband and three children. She fears the spread of COVID-19 because her children and herself su昀昀er from respiratory diseases. Talita, 36, São Paulo, Brazil. / Habitat for Humanity Brasil. PAGE. 18 habitat.org/lac

BEFORE Ten years ago, arriving in Boqueirão after to improve it myself. I was being evicted from their old house, Talita thrilled,” said Talita. and her family started building a bathroom but didn’t have the money to finish it or The bathroom improvements included installing adequately maintain it. the 昀氀oor, laying tiles, painting the ceiling and the walls, and adding an electrical system, a sink, and This space included a shower and a toilet. It didn’t a new toilet. have a sink, 昀氀oor, or tiles. Over time, the electrical installation and the toilet stopped working. “I love the work. It’s beautiful. Now “My children were afraid to use the bathroom at my kids love the bathroom. I have AFTER night because there was no light. We didn’t have to be vigilant because they are a sink, so we washed our hands and brushed our teeth in the shower. The toilet wasn’t working; it usually in the bathroom doing all didn’t 昀氀ush properly. We used a bucket and water kinds of things. Seeing them happy to 昀氀ush the toilet,” said Talita. makes me happy,” said Talita. The bathroom renovation “I am immensely grateful. This improvement changed Talita’s family life. made a signi昀椀cant di昀昀erence in my life and my “When I found out that Habitat children’s lives,” concludes Talita. was going to renovate my bathroom, I almost cried because I didn’t have the money Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 19

EL SALVADOR a secure roof can change everything ropical storm Amanda hit Salvadoran left many families vulnerable were also trained in 昀椀nancial education and lands in late May 2021. Its impact amid a pandemic where health risk management so they could take care of Tover昀氀owed rivers, created landslides, is a priority. their homes in potential future disasters. and destroyed houses. More than 30 people lost their lives that night, 900 homes were “We thank Habitat El Salvador damaged across the country, and 1,200 As part of the humanitarian response after the families needed evacuation assistance. storm, Habitat for Humanity El Salvador created for collaborating with us. As a project to install roofs in a昀昀ected homes. the local government, we look The Bonilla family was one of the a昀昀ected families. They live in the municipality of California, This work was conducted in cooperation with for actors that allow us to act in Usulután, in the mountainous area of the country. the municipal government to improve safety and this kind of situation to develop ensure clean and hygienic housing conditions. The storm blew off the roofs of communities,” said Gustavo The investment totaled USD 15,000 for 25 Aguirre, city mayor. houses in this municipality and families that now have secure roofs. Families PAGE. 20 habitat.org/lac

The Bonilla family in California, Usulután. / José Gamero, Habitat for Humanity El Salvador. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 21

GUATEMALA a gift for a lifetime orna, her husband, and their three Rachel and her family, who children used to live in their mother- live in the U.S., donated money Lin-law’s house with 11 other relatives. for Lorna to start building her The house was small, and as the family grew, there was less and less space for them to live dream: A home of her own. comfortably. For this reason, Lorna decided to build their “The moment we started receiving the materials, I own house. She weaves and sells traditional knew my dream was coming true,” said Lorna. She clothing, and her husband, Tomás, works in the grew up in the Agua Viva Orphanage, where she Guatemala City market. said she lived the happiest days of her life. Little by little, the family began purchasing “While at the orphanage, I was invited to participate construction materials, but there was not in the choir and travel to the United States. There, enough money to start building. I met Rachel. It was a lot of fun to spend time with her and her family. Our friendship has lasted many One day, a little frustrated, Lorna told the years. We are like sisters,” said Lorna. situation to her good friend, Rachel. “Sometime after this conversation, Habitat for Humanity After obtaining their own house, Lorna and her Guatemala sta昀昀 visited me. It was such a family improved their quality of life and family surprise,” said Lorna. dynamics. Each family member has a space that provides peace and tranquility. Lorna in front of her new home. / Habitat for Humanity Guatemala. PAGE. 22 habitat.org/lac

“I have no words to describe my happiness. I feel happy to have our house. I am grateful to God for putting Rachel in our path. Receiving this home is incredibly special. We may not be able to repay them, but we will continue praying for blessings for Rachel and her family, so God multiplies everything they have given us. This is a gift for a lifetime, not only for me but also for my children and their future,” said Lorna. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 23

HAITÍ sustainable and resilient construction abitat for Humanity Haiti is clear as beams, blocks, and planks, all based on about the need for new generations recycled plastic. Hto develop and use sustainable and resilient building materials in the country. Already 146 young people in the cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie have graduated from the To achieve this change, the organization program. One of them is Viscana, 21, who wanted partnered with the European Union through the to learn and contribute to eliminating the stigma URBAYITI program, which seeks to develop of women in the construction profession. technical skills for solid, sustainable, and resilient construction. “It was imperative to me to learn a The program’s objective is for new housing trade that would allow me to take units in the country to be able to withstand care of my family and myself. Now various climate risks that ravage the island every year due to its geographical I know that, with my skills, I will be vulnerability, such as earthquakes, an asset for my neighbors and my hurricanes, and storms. country,” said Viscana. Habitat partnered with three universities in Haiti for its development: The American Habitat Haiti will continue with this project and University of the Caribbean, the Quisqueya others so that more Haitian professionals can University, and the Faculté des Sciences. Each contribute to building sustainable and resilient must develop new construction materials such housing in the country. PAGE. 24 habitat.org/lac

Viscana at her graduation in Haiti. / Habitat for Humanity Haití. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 25

HONDURAS hope after hurricanes ETA and IOTA n 2020, Hurricane Eta hit Honduras, and emergency shelter kits for “When it started 昀氀looding, some only 15 days later, Hurricane Iota did too. families who lost their homes in people evacuated us. My husband I Both hurricanes left several devastated 23 municipalities. stayed at the house and tried to areas in the country and impacted more than 3 million people, who were left homeless or with take care of things. But then he partially damaged homes and without access Juan Antonio and Yuri are part of the families had to seek refuge in a two-story to clean water. that received these kits, which included tarpaulins, mosquito nets, solar lamps, house and was rescued by boat. Given the emergency, Habitat for Humanity blankets, water 昀椀lters, a set of pots and pans, Honduras launched a disaster response and jerrycans to store water. We lost everything. This help gives plan with other partners. First, 6,938 families us hope,” said Yuri. received water storage backpacks in 52 “My friends, whom I have also supported for a昀昀ected communities. many years, even when I was a banana-cutter in the banana plantation, gave me a space to In partnership with ShelterBox build a shack on their property. I lost everything in the 昀氀oods, so these tarpaulins helped me and the San Pedro Sula Rotary live after the disaster. For this reason, I am very Club, Habitat distributed 3,208 grateful. Now, only the 昀氀oor is missing,” said Juan Antonio. PAGE. 26 habitat.org/lac

Juan Antonio in his emergency shelter in Honduras. / Luis Delivery of drinking water storage backpacks in Madrid, Habitat for Humanity Honduras. December 2020. / Luis Madrid, Hábitat para la Humanidad Honduras. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 27

MEXICO my house y name is Fernanda. I am 10 years white stones. We make an altar and light a 昀椀re in old and live in Estación Vícam, in the the evening, around which all the family gathers. MSebastián González neighborhood. I am part of the Yaqui ethnic group. What I like the most about my My house is made of soil and reeds. It has two neighborhood is that I can play rooms, and the kitchen is outside. We have a with all my friends. And what cat, two dogs, and many goats. We also have three lime trees. I like the most about having a The place I like most in my house is the yard, new house is that my sister and where I play with my cousins. I have our own room, and we will I really like my house during the Christmas arrange and decorate it. holidays because the backyard is decorated with FERNANDA DE 10 AÑOS, MÉXICO. PAGE. 28 habitat.org/lac

FERNANDA, 10 MEXICO. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 29

NICARAGUA the dream of owning a house n the Primero de Mayo neighborhood in When she heard about a Habitat for Humanity Later, we bought this land. My Estelí, Nicaragua, a humble dwelling stood, Nicaragua housing project, Claribel rushed husband bought the land in two I made of pieces of wood, cardboard, and iron to submit the necessary documents to payments. At the time, we built roo昀椀ng sheets. This was the home of Claribel, participate. She was noti昀椀ed about her 39, a mother of three children aged 18, 12, and 6. selection on August 13, 2020. With a heart full the shack with pieces of plastic. of joy, she 昀椀rst thanked God. Today, thank God, we have our In 2011, her husband suddenly became ill. He was diagnosed with severe renal failure, and “Joyous, I said: Thank you, Lord, house and it’s made with cement within a month, he died. “The doctors told me his kidneys dried, and there was nothing to do,” for you have given me a great blocks,” said Claribel. said Claribel. blessing. I now have a decent During the 昀椀rst days of widowhood, her family home to live in with my children. supported her as much as possible, but When I got married, my husband then she had to start working to support her children and take them to school. Today, she and I lived in my mother-in- earns money washing, ironing, and cleaning law’s house; we then rented. houses to ensure her children don’t miss a meal and get an education. PAGE. 30 habitat.org/lac

Claribel with two of her children. / Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 31

PARAGUAY safe return to school abitat for Humanity Paraguay, in partnership with UNICEF, USAID HParaguay, and Thrivent, worked to provide a safe back to school for 11,340 students from 31 public schools in the cities of Asunción and Luque. The project included improving and building infrastructure and obtaining the supplies needed to ensure the implementation of COVID-19 prevention and health protocols. Through the Saving Lives in Informal Settlements program, Habitat Paraguay develops projects aimed at reducing the virus’ spread among vulnerable communities. In the case of public schools, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities was a major obstacle for students to go back to school, so it was crucial to provide appropriate hand- washing infrastructure. Paraguayan children wash their hands in facilities repaired or built by Habitat before entering school. / Habitat for Humanity Paraguay. PAGE. 32 habitat.org/lac

Thirty-one schools improved from this pandemic is that hand-washing will and/or repaired their save our lives. This will bene昀椀t the health of our infrastructure. They also received students,” said Rocio, principal of the Profesor Emilio Ferreira elementary school, which has materials to create awareness more than 400 students. and establish hygiene and safety habits such as hand-washing, mask use, and social distancing. Visual signs, such as posters, were put in highly visible and accessible areas to achieve a greater impact. “In this pandemic, we want people to learn hygiene habits. These facilities help minimize contagion and create awareness. I believe the most important thing for our students to learn YESENIA, 10 MEXICO. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 33

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC health starts at home iriam, 51, lives in the Consuelo municipality, San Pedro de Macoris Mprovince, Dominican Republic, with her husband, Carlos, and the youngest of their children, Oscarly. She is a janitor at a community school and sells clothes. She describes herself as a 昀椀ghter, always moving forward. Miriam and her husband started self-building their home. However, they lacked the resources to put in 昀氀oors (for them, a primary source of disease) and install security fences and bars to protect their house, so they felt unsafe. A happy Miriam after installing the 昀氀oor and the security bars to protect her house. / Habitat for Humanity Dominican Republic. PAGE. 34 habitat.org/lac

When Miriam heard about protected, and I have a nice floor,” said “To me, this house represents Habitat for Humanity Dominican Miriam. health for my family and a safe Republic, her life changed as Habitat’s support throughout their home and comfortable place for my she realized the organization improvement process was key for this family. child to continue his education,” “We were able to learn which materials were was an ideal partner to finish right for us, and we were always in contact said Miriam. building her home. with the engineer. I am very satisfied with the results. My house is more beautiful and safer now,” said Miriam. “I’ve always been thrifty; I look for opportunities and don’t fear work. Thank In the future, the family wants to 昀椀x the roof God I’ve had a lot of support from my family, and build a small store to start a business. so although it was a challenge, I thought it was a good decision. Now, my house is ÁNGELES, 6 MEXICO. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 35

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO gratitude after the disaster n September 2017, the hurricane season “Words can´t explain. It’s…I By the end of 2021, with the support of Proman had not yet begun when heavy rains have no words for that. Knowing and Republic Bank Limited, Habitat repaired I surprised the islands of Trinidad and you’re working so hard and for more than 60 homes and also provided Tobago. As a result, many communities in the training on resilient construction techniques, north and south-west of the country had two so long to build something so disaster preparedness, and household hygiene days of 昀氀ooding, which wreaked havoc and comfortable for your family and practices to prepare vulnerable communities damaged thousands of homes. for future disasters. Annette remembers that day as if it were just see it go in a split second yesterday. “The weather just changed. Place like that, it was not a pleasant “To the supporters, the people just got black, it wasn’t even in hurricane season moment.” said Ragoonanan. who are putting their money not yet or anything like that. And we heard a loud knowing where it is going, and to crash, so all of us ran outside and we went to the back, and we looked, and the whole bank After the emergency, Habitat for Humanity Trinidad who it is bene昀椀tting, right?, I am here from on top was sitting on my house.” and Tobago activated its disaster response to say thank you, because without program. It began with a damage analysis and the Ragoonanan and his family also witnessed development of a project to repair houses and you guys doing this, it wouldn’t be how their home was damaged by the water provide training in a昀昀ected communities. possible.” said Annette. and mud piled up. PAGE. 36 habitat.org/lac

Annette tells her experience after joining Habitat to repair her home. / Habitat for Humanity Trinidad y Tobago. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 37

volunteering from home ur volunteers are Habitat for Humanity’s Ninety-six volunteers have hearts and hands. Each year, their supported various activities, commitment and generosity change O the lives of millions of people worldwide. coordinated and followed-up by community leaders, to prevent Health measures a昀昀ected Habitat’s onsite and mitigate the virus. volunteer program globally during the pandemic, and Paraguay was no exception. “Participating as a volunteer for the Network is In this context, volunteers joined Habitat a wonderful experience and gives me a sense Paraguay and turned social distancing into an of personal growth. Through volunteering, I opportunity for solidarity and creating new links re-connected with those who teach you rare to reach more families. They did this through values such as solidarity, community support, the Settlement Support Network created by empathy, sel昀氀essness, and mutual assistance. Habitat Paraguay, which today includes 25 civil They con昀椀rmed how interdependent we are, no society and academia partner organizations. matter where we are,” said Georgina, 31. Its objective is to pursue an open national strategy for resilience in Paraguayan informal settlements during the pandemic. PAGE. 38 habitat.org/lac

Volunteers participating in virtual workshops in Paraguay. / Habitat for Humanity Paraguay. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 39

more than 1,600 people participated in the 4th Housing Forum n May 2021, Habitat for Humanity Latin ministers and national housing authorities One of the main topics was how America and the Caribbean held the fourth from Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, to refurbish and reuse empty or I edition of the Housing Forum, the only Colombia, Honduras, Ecuador, and Argentina; abandoned city buildings that multi-stakeholder forum in the region that the city mayors of Guatemala City, Cuenca seeks to reimagine and build a new reality for in Ecuador, and Montevideo in Uruguay; six already have access to water and housing and cities. business leaders of projects focusing on sanitation services, creating more improving housing deficits Hilti Foundation, For a week, Habitat brought together Whirlpool, Gerdau, Dow, CEMEX and Somfy; secure housing opportunities. government authorities, international representatives of 11 multilateral agencies organizations, local governments, Economic Commission for Latin America Proposals to generate innovative solutions for universities, private companies, investors, and the Caribbean, UN-Habitat, International improving housing access, such as rentals, banks, civil society organizations, Finance Corporation – a member of the World were also emphasized. Sustainable housing and community leaders, professionals, and Bank Group, Inter-American Development cities were a priority topic. students to share experiences, lessons Bank, Central American Bank for Economic learned, and trends and challenges in Integration, Latin American Development New infrastructure and housing financing housing and urban habitat. Bank, USAID, European Union, Forum of schemes were highlighted, including the Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Cities Investment Facility presented by UN- 1,639 people from more than 40 Housing and Urban Development of Latin Habitat, Infonavit’s self-construction financing America and the Caribbean, the Central programs, outcome-focused financing countries joined the event. American Secretariat for Social Integration, mechanisms such as the Social Impact Bonds, and Cities Alliance. and financial policies and mechanisms that The event sessions were led by more than combine public and private sector participation 230 speakers, including the President and The event demonstrated agreement in trends with communities and housing beneficiaries. the First Lady of Costa Rica, and seven and needs for advancement in the region. PAGE. 40 habitat.org/lac

Panel discussion led by Habitat for Humanity, World Bank, UN-Habitat, and IDB. Annual Report - Latin America and the Caribbean, 2021 PAGE. 41

EMANUEL, 13 ESTELÍ, NICARAGUA. + Join us by: donating advocating #SoyHabitat Habitat for Humanity Latin America and the Caribbean Area O昀케ce San José, Costa Rica www.habitat.org/lac-es Phone: (506) 4102 3359 volunteering partnering [email protected]