MEXICO my house y name is Fernanda. I am 10 years white stones. We make an altar and light a 昀椀re in old and live in Estación Vícam, in the the evening, around which all the family gathers. MSebastián González neighborhood. I am part of the Yaqui ethnic group. What I like the most about my My house is made of soil and reeds. It has two neighborhood is that I can play rooms, and the kitchen is outside. We have a with all my friends. And what cat, two dogs, and many goats. We also have three lime trees. I like the most about having a The place I like most in my house is the yard, new house is that my sister and where I play with my cousins. I have our own room, and we will I really like my house during the Christmas arrange and decorate it. holidays because the backyard is decorated with FERNANDA DE 10 AÑOS, MÉXICO. PAGE. 28

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