Stripe + Slack = Collect Data to… Manage Direct Customer / Subscriber Relationships Stripe = Transaction Management Stripe Stripe Billing …the most innovative companies are establishing recurring relationships with their customers. 6.0x As these businesses iterate to find the best pricing & sales strategy, they’re often unnecessarily constrained by what their billing system allows. [Customers] needed to do more than just simple 3.5x subscription management. Based on feedback from many of our customers & others, we built Stripe Billing to provide fast-growing businesses the tools to move quickly & design billing around customer experience. 1.0x Noah Pepper – Stripe, Engineering & Product Management, 4/18 2016 2017 2018 2019YTD Slack = Effective Billing of Users Slack Paying Share of Total Users s 50% r Slack recently launched Fair Billing Policy & it e s makes our customers say 'Wow, that's amazing.‘ U They'll tweet about it, tell their friends about it. Total f 25% They'll be very happy with us. They'll be much more o e likely to renew. They have a positive impression. r a h S That positive impression, obviously, makes a huge difference. ing y a Stewart Butterfield – Founder / CEO, Slack, 7/15 P 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: Stripe blog post (4/18). Stripe (6/19). Slack public disclosures (2015-2018). Stewart Butterfield Interview with SaaStr (7/15). Internet Trends 136 2019

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