Digital Media = Privacy Concerns High But Moderating People More Concerned About Internet Privacy vs. One Year Ago, Global 80% 64% ts 52% n e d n o p 40% s Re f % o 2015 – Anthem Health announces that 2017 – Equifax reveals the personal 80MM personal health financial records of records were stolen in a over 145MM Americans owing to an ‘sophisticated attack’ unsecured web portal 2014 – The New York Times reports on 2016 – Yahoo! reveals that 3B 2018 – The New York Times reveals NSA documents showcasing government Customer records, including names, Cambridge Analytica improperly tracking of USA smartphone use address & encrypted passwords were accesses 87MM Facebook profiles breached 0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: CIGI-IPSOS Global Survey on Internet Security & Trust 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018. 2018 = 24,750 Internet users from 12/29/17-3/5/18. 2017 = 24,225, 2016 = 24,143, 2014 = 23,376. Internet Trends 166 2019

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