Southeast Asia (Grab) = Ride Share-Driven Digital Payments… Transaction Value + ~4x in One Year Grab GrabPay GrabPay Transaction Value, Southeast Asia a 4.0x i s A t as the ou S 8, 1:1 Q to ed ex Ind 2.5x Only 27% of adults in Southeast Asia ue have bank accounts. al V on Not having a banking history means that a consumer is ti ac invisible to traditional financial institutions - no access to s an capital to grow businesses or pay for houses. r T ay By launching GrabPay on top of Grab’s ride-sharing P ab platform, Grab’s millions of users have access to r financial services that they could not access via G traditional banks & lenders. 1.0x Reuben Lai – Senior Managing Director, Grab Financial Group, 5/19 Q1:18 Q2:18 Q3:18 Q4:18 Q1:19 Source: Grab Financial Group (3/18-5/19). Internet Trends 70 2019
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