\\ 25 “I think for a startup that wanted to engage with large enterprise, building relationships with a CIO, what’s really important is that there’s a shared vision around the need to drive innovation. On the customer side, that vision has to outweigh all of the tactical functional requirements that many organizations may raise that a startup won’t necessarily have — if you have a checklist approach to choosing a partner, that’s not going to work. You find a [partner] that sees this as a journey, not a static vision, they have to really believe your startup is a partner that’s going to help us transform a whole area. In the case of Gladly: Eash — the CIO at Jetblue — and Frankie — the VP of Customer Support and one of the founders of JetBlue — made a decision they wanted to transform how they did customer service, and said that’s more important than 10–20 things we don’t do [at Gladly] yet, but having the bigger picture of how we engage outweighs that checklist of things we didn’t have yet. It’s important to find C-suite partners — with a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset.” –Joseph Ansanelli, CEO of Gladly Startups Serving The Enterprise

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